{-# OPTIONS  --type-in-type --no-termination-check #-}

module GenericPrompt where
-- in which we provide a generic IO prompt
open import Data.String renaming (_++_ to _s++_ ; _==_ to _s==_)
open import Data.List as L renaming (_++_ to _L++_)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Function

{-# IMPORT System.IO #-}
open import Foreign.Haskell
open import FFI.Int
open import FFI.Pair
open import System.IO
open import ParsePrint.PrettyPrint public

putDocLn : Doc  IO Unit
putDocLn = putStrLn'  render

prompt :  {a}(prom : Doc)(parse : String  Maybe a)(cont : a  IO Unit) 
         IO Unit
prompt {a} prom parse cont =
  putDocLn (sep (prom <> text " (or \"quit\") ?"  [])) >>
  getLine' >>= checkQuit
  checkParse : Maybe a  IO Unit
  checkParse nothing  = putDocLn (text "No parse.  Try again.") >>
                        prompt prom parse cont
  checkParse (just a) = cont a

  checkQuit : String  IO Unit
  checkQuit "quit" = return unit
  checkQuit s      = checkParse (parse s)