module Game-Core where
-- in which we formalise the fundamentals of Game Semantics in Agda

open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Product
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Nat renaming (_+_ to _+'_)

-- Games

-- At each level of the game, we have a set of possible moves. For
-- cardinality reasons, it is useful to restrict that set to one of
-- the following forms:

infixr 8 _⊹_
data MovEnc : Set where
  nil : MovEnc
  one : MovEnc
  _⊹_ : MovEnc  MovEnc  MovEnc
  ℕ× : MovEnc  MovEnc

-- where each constructor represents a set in the following manner:

T : MovEnc  Set
T nil      = 
T one      =  
T (x  y)  = T x  T y
T (ℕ× m)   =  × T m 

-- So a game consists of an (encoded) set of moves, and for each move
-- a corresponding "rest of the game":

data Game : Set where
  gam : {ι : MovEnc}  (T ι  Game)  Game

mvEnc : Game  MovEnc
mvEnc (gam {a} f) = a

Mov : Game  Set
Mov G = T (mvEnc G)

infix 10 _▸_
_▸_ : (G : Game)  Mov G  Game
(gam {ι} f)  i = f i

-- Constructions on Games

I : Game
I = gam {nil} ⊥-elim

_×'_ : Game  Game  Game
gam {i} f ×' gam {j} g = gam {i  j} [ f , g ]

ω× : Game  Game
ω× (gam {i} f) = gam {ℕ× i}  x   f (proj₂ x))

infix 14 _⊗_
infix 12 _⊸_ _⊸̂_

  _⊸_ : Game  Game  Game
  G  (gam {i} f) = gam {i}  i'  f i'  G)

  _⊘_ : Game  Game  Game
  (gam {i} f)  G = gam {i}  i'  G  f i')

  _⊗_ : Game  Game  Game
  G  H = (G  H) ×' (H  G)

o : Game
o = gam {one}  _  I)

_⊸o : Game  Game
G ⊸o = gam {one}  tt  G)

-- ⊸̂ represents a strict function space:
_⊸̂_ : Game  Game  Game
G ⊸̂ (gam {i} f) = gam {i}  i'  G  f i')

-- ⊸c represents copycat-shaped function space
_⊸c_ : Game  Game  Game
G ⊸c (gam {i} f) = gam {i}  i'  G ⊘c f i')
  where _⊘c_ : Game  Game  Game
        (gam {i} f) ⊘c G = gam {i}  i'  G ⊸c f i')

-- Strategies

-- We now need to consider games of a particular polarity.

open import Data.Bool public
   renaming (true to -  ; false to +;
             Bool to Pol; not   to ¬;
             T to IsTrue)

-- If we consider negative games, the top (1st) level represent the
-- O-positions, and then on even levels we have P-positions and odd
-- levels O-positions. In which case a (P)-strategy for a game M is
-- given as a term of type Strat - M, where:

data Strat : Pol  Game  Set where
  pos :  {G}  (i : Mov G)  Strat - (G  i)  Strat + G
  neg :  {G}  ((i : Mov G)  Strat + (G  i))  Strat - G

-- If we consider a positive game Q, a P-strategy on Q is given by a
-- term of type Strat + Q.

-- Game morphisms

-- Our mediating morphisms / isos are going to be defined as
-- copycat-shaped strategies on A ⊸ B --- or strategies on A ⊸c B. But
-- we're going to be working with a lot of these, and the notion of
-- such a strategy can be given a simpler form:

infix 8 _≲_
data _≲_ : Game  Game  Set where
  sim :  {A B} 
        (h : Mov B  Mov A) 
        ((i' : Mov B)  (B  i')  (A  (h i'))) 
        A  B

id≲ :  {G}  G  G
id≲ {gam f} = sim id  i  id≲ {f i})

infixl 8 _≲∘≲_

_≲∘≲_ :  {A B C}  B  C  A  B  A  C
(sim f f') ≲∘≲ (sim g g') = sim (g  f)  x  g' (f x) ≲∘≲ (f' x))

-- We bundle two-way copycat strategies into a ≈ structure.
-- This is how we represent isos.

infix 8 _≈_
data _≈_ : Game  Game  Set where
  bsm :  {A B}  B  A  A  B  A  B

infixl 8 _≈∘≈_

_≈∘≈_ :  {A B C}  A  B  B  C  A  C
(bsm s s') ≈∘≈ (bsm r r') = bsm (s ≲∘≲ r) (r' ≲∘≲ s')

id≈ :  {G}  G  G
id≈ = bsm id≲ id≲

infixr 9 _^-1

_^-1 :  {M N}  M  N  N  M
(bsm f g) ^-1 = bsm g f

wk₁ :  {M N}  M  N  M  N
wk₁ (bsm f g) = g

wk₂ :  {M N}  M  N  N  M
wk₂ (bsm f g) = f

-- Composing morphisms with strategies

infixr 8 _≲∘_ _≈∘_
infixl 8 _∘≲_ _∘≈_

  _≲∘_ :  {M N}  N  M  Strat - N  Strat - M
  (sim h h') ≲∘ (neg f) = neg  i  f (h i) ∘≲ (h' i))

  _∘≲_ :  {P Q}  Strat + P  Q  P  Strat + Q
  (pos m g) ∘≲ (sim h h') = pos (h m) (h' m ≲∘ g)

_≈∘_ :  {M N}  M  N  Strat - M  Strat - N
g ≈∘ σ = (wk₁ g) ≲∘ σ

_∘≈_ :  {P Q}  Strat + P  P  Q  Strat + Q
σ ∘≈ f = σ ∘≲ (wk₂ f)